Working to Advance the Health of Rural Americans: An Update from the ABFM

RUHRC Authors: Peterson, LE
Publication Date: 03/11/2020
Full Publication: Working to Advance the Health of Rural Americans: An Update from the ABFM


Over the past 5 decades, existing disparities between the health of rural and urban Americans has grown across a range of outcomes. The American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) and its collaborators have been involved in extensive research to understand the role of Family Physicians (FPs) in order to stem the tide of worsening disparities in this withering ecology of rural health care delivery.

Suggested Citation

Peterson LE, Newton WP, and Bazemore AW, Working to Advance the Health of Rural Americans: An Update from the ABFM. Ann Fam Med. 2020;18:184-185.