Diabetes Prevalence and Monitoring in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Areas Within a Commercially Insured U.S. Population

RUHRC Authors: Talbert, J | Hammerslag, LR
Publication Date: 06/06/2023
Full Publication: Diabetes Prevalence and Monitoring in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Areas Within a Commercially Insured U.S. Population


This study used recent claims data, from services received between 2018 and 2020, to examine the prevalence of diabetes and to determine if patients with diabetes are more or less likely to receive annual hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) screening. It also examined the association between receipt of HbA1c testing in 2019 and diabetes-related health outcomes in 2020.

Suggested Citation

Hammerslag LR, Talbert J. Diabetes Prevalence and Monitoring in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Areas Within a Commercially Insured U.S. Population. Lexington, KY: Rural and Underserved Health Research Center; 2023.